Extra AGM 2018
Ramsdale Seniors Section
Minutes – Extra-ordinary General Meeting
Thursday 27 September 2018
P. McDonough, D. Costin, B. Bailey, A. Ryland, A.J. Minors, R. Whiteley, D. Barber, W. Elliott, N. Harris, D. Dandie, H. Bauder, J. Hilton, S. Murry, P. Rankin, M. O’Brien, T. Brant, M. Voce, D. Clarke, M. Keeton, K. Hepworth, R. Hone, S. Clarke, M. Alexander.
J. O’Neill, D. Jarrett, I. Saunders, M. Jefferies, A. Ryland, B. Bell, D. Armitage, G. Hallam, H. Bauder.
- The Captain Patrick O’Donough explained that this meeting has been convened to further discuss the arrangements for memorial competitions within the Seniors section (see below). This issue was discussed at the annual general meeting in February 2018 where there was a consensus amongst attendees not to adopt the changes. The Captain went on to explain that the Committee has recently been approached by a family member of a recently deceased senior asking if they could sponsor a memorial competition. The dilemma for the Seniors Committee relates to the fact that we already have 4 memorial events for: David Wenn, Tom Checkley, Winter Memorial and Dennis Hyam. Arranging yet another memorial trophy presents significant logistical problems (and possibly more in the future).
- David Costin, the Competitions Secretary asked that the meeting reconsider the decision taken at the last AGM and adopt the proposal (see below). He explained that it is the committee’s view that the new format for memorial competitions solves the logistics of yet more competitions. It is also the committee’s view that the new format goes a long way in ensuring that we remember all our passed golfing friends.
- After a general discussion from the floor where attendees presented varying points of view, it was agreed that a formal vote was not required as there was a significant majority in favour of adopting the new format (to commence with immediate effect).
- Any other business (relating to the above)
Memorial Cup Competitions
Proposed Format
Within the Seniors section we play a number of competitions to commemorate and remember some of our absent golfing friends. Notably, David Wenn Trophy, Dennis Hyam Trophy, Winter Memorial, Tom Checkley Trophy etc. The decision to award a competition/trophy to an individual is fairly arbitrary and in the case of the Tom Checkley Trophy was at the request of the family.
What is evident is that there are some notable past members of the Seniors section that have not been recognised. There is nothing deliberate in these omissions; it is simply because they have not had the benefit of an individual who has come forward to ‘champion’ their cause. We all tend to remember those in the Seniors who help directly or indirectly to organise events etc. however. There are many who for years quietly play golf in the Seniors section and are all too easily are forgotten.
Following considerable debate and discussion the following changes will take place with immediate effect: –
- One Memorial Cup will be played for each year (The Seniors Memorial Trophy); this trophy would be an amalgamation of all existing trophies; David Wenn, Dennis Hyam, Winter Memorial and Tom Checkley.
- The Seniors Memorial Trophy will be a remembrance of all members who have passed away.
- The Christmas Monday Club would be an ideal time to play for and present the Memorial Trophy for two reasons: – a) It is a more appropriate occasion to acknowledge contributions made by former members, Christmas is a time not just for celebration but also a time for remembrance and to recall absent friends. (See 5. below); b) This is the Seniors ‘flagship event’ and is always very well attended.
- Existing Trophies are part of the history of Ramsdale Seniors and will be kept as a reminder of that history. The names associated with these trophies will not be forgotten, they will live on as part of the Seniors Memorial Trophy.
- We already have a memorial cup; this is the Winter Memorial Cup and is played for in the Winter Aggregate Stableford. We suspect that not many of us give due reverence to the symbolism to the attachment of ‘Memorial Cup’ to this event. This event would simply be renamed; The Winter Aggregate Stableford.