Ramsdale Park Golf Club – Seniors Section
Rules And Procedures
Note :- The Seniors Section operates within the overall constitution of the Ramsdale Park Golf Centre
Membership of the Seniors Section.
Open to all full and midweek members of Ramsdale Park Golf Centre aged 55 years and over.
Seniors Section Committee.
Composition of the Committee
Committee membership to comprise the appointed Captain and Vice Captain and those other designated positions as outlined later in this document. The Captain and Vice Captain to hold office in each of those roles for one year only.
Election of Members.
All elections to the Seniors Section Committee (with the exception of the Captain and Vice Captain) shall be for a fixed period of three years other than where a casual vacancy arises during an individual’s term of office.
The elections to the Committee to comprise the appointment of a Secretary, Treasurer and up to five further individuals from the Sections membership. Nominations for these positions to require a proposer and seconder submitting their proposals to the Sections Secretary not less than seven days before the AGM. Where necessary a ballot to determine the outcome of the elections to be undertaken at the AGM. The outgoing Captain to retain Committee membership for one further year at the end of his term of office before then retiring from the Committee.
The Committee to have authority to appoint to a casual vacancy on the Committee (eg; resignation, serious illness, failure to attend three consecutive meetings without adequate explanation) for the period up to the following AGM when an election to the vacancy for the remainder of the three year term would be held. In addition the Committee to have authority to co-opt individual members (without voting rights) for limited periods to assist with ‘one off’ events.
The Captain, or in his absence the Vice Captain, to serve as the liaison representative on the Main Club Committee.
Powers and Responsibilities.
- To maintain such liaison with the Main Committee that permits the running of the Seniors Section within the overall aims and objectives of the Club and to observe such rules, procedures and disciplines as may from time to time be imposed through the Main Committee.
- To plan and organise the day to day running of the Seniors Section and to take responsibility for the organisation of golf competitions and social functions within the Seniors Section.
- To take decisions within the framework of the Section’s approved plans and proposals for the year.
- At the appropriate time, in the Autumn of each year, to invite a Senior member to act as Vice Captain for the ensuing year.
Operational Arrangements.
- The Seniors Captain to chair the meetings. In the Captain’s absence, the Vice Captain.
- Meetings to be held monthly on dates and times to be agreed by the Committee. The Captain to have the power to call a special Committee meeting if deemed necessary.
- Voting to be on a majority vote basis. In the event of an equality of votes the Captain to have a second and casting vote. A quorum for the Committee to be three.
- Committee minutes to be made available for members information.
Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Seniors Section.
- The AGM to be held within the 28 days following that of the Main Club AGM on a date to be determined by the Seniors Section Committee. Notice of the meeting to be posted in the Clubhouse not less than 14 days before the meeting.
- The Seniors Section Captain to chair the meeting and, in the event of an equality of votes on any issue, will have a second and casting vote. In the absence of the Captain the AGM to elect an individual to chair the meeting with the same rights as those of the Captain.
- A quorum to be 10 eligible members of the Section.
- Agenda items for the AGM to include the following :-
Outgoing Captains report on his year in office.
Introduction of incoming Captain and Vice Captain for the forthcoming year.
Treasurers report on the Audited Final Accounts for the year just ended.
Consideration of any reports from the Centre Manager.
Election of the Seniors Section Committee. ( Composition of the Committee, its Powers and Responsibilities together with its Operational arrangements to be as set out below).
Incoming Captains report on plans and proposals for the forthcoming year.
To consider possible changes to annual fees and charges following reports and recommendations from the Seniors Committee.
To consider proposed amendments to the Sections Rules and Procedures. ( Such proposals to be submitted to the Sections Secretary not less than 7 days before the meeting and in the names of at least 2 members). Any approved amendments to be forwarded to the Main Club for their information.
The Seniors Section Captain to have the power to call an extraordinary general meeting of the members at any time having given 7 days notice posted within the Clubhouse. The meeting to consider only those items specified in the notice.
Rules and Procedures Document – Issue 4 – Effective Date – 14 February 2012