AGM Minutes


Monday 20th February 2023 at 12:30 hrs

Present at meeting:  Brian Stocks, Christine West, Dave Clark, David Armitage, David Costin, David Dandie, David Hawkins, David Insley, John Chadwick, Kieth Hepworth, Kelvin Day, Kelvin Patterson, Kevin Till, Malcolm Voce, Michael Stevenson, Patrick McDonough, Paul Garton, Paul Hicking, Peter Brookes, Peter Douglass, Rob Macdonald, Sharon Insley, Steve Duty, Steve Hicking, Steve Kerr, Steven Crawley, Stuart Murry,Terry Crofts, Trevor Naylor, Warren Elliott, Winston Jones.

1. Apologies:

Theresa Plimmer (Centre Manager), Hans Bauder, Mike Woodhead, John O’ Neill, Neil Harris, Robert Wightman 

2. Minutes of the last AGM.

The meeting approved the minutes of the February 2022 AGM, Proposed by Mark Fisher, seconded by Warren Elliott.

3. Matters arising from the minutes.

Mark Fisher and David Insley were co-opted onto the committee.

4. Centre Managers Report.

Centre Manager Theresa Plimmer was unavailable to deliver her annual report due to being called away on short notice, the report can be read, in full, on the main club website. Below is an extract from the main club AGM on 7th February 2023:

Good evening, President, Chairman, Captain, Lady Captain club committee members, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you very much for inviting me to attend the Club AGM tonight.
It has been a very challenging year where we were trying to navigate the post pandemic fall out – no one really knew what was going to happen. We held firm. I made conscious decision to keep subs as low as I could and where possible keep costs down. This allowed me to put more into to the course development and keep spending where it was needed.

Ramsdale is also over 30 years old and I needed spend quite a bit on fixing broken down boilers amongst other aged items! 2022 also saw a huge hike in demand and rising costs for basic items such as a tin of beans! In some cases, we found that we couldn’t get certain food and drink items due to strikes and were forced to use other suppliers at a higher cost. It has been difficult navigating to say the least. The latter part of the year had just levelled out when the utilities spike hit us hard. I am sure you have noticed that the team have been more aware and have had unnecessary lights off and air con units off unless all doors and windows are closed. As a result, in January alone we used over 7,000 KWH LESS than the previous January.

With all that said we held our membership levels pretty well. We maintained a 7-day waiting list throughout the year and are still operating a one is one out policy. We now have 918 members which include all categories.

5. Treasurer’s report on the accounts for 2023.

Treasurer’s Report for Financial Year 1 November 2021 to 31 December 2022

The attached printed sheets are a summary record of all of the transactions made by the Senior Section for the Financial Year 1 November 2021 to 31 December 2022, a financial year of 14 months to bring the Senior Section in line with the Main Club Section. These have been verified by Hans Bauder, treasurer of the Main Club.

Our Bank account remains with Nat West where we use online banking. The most significant change to the accounts is the use of contactless payments for matches and fees. The section has bought into equipment from the company Square. This has been enabled by the diligent research from David Costin and Richard Hone. There is a charge for using this service of 1.75% of any transaction but the thoughts are that the convenience for members and the committee far outweigh the costs.

Most of the section’s income has come from the Monday Club and Thursday competitions. The fact that the Golf Club is not accepting cash in the bar has meant that the funds collected for Home and Away matches are going through the accounts so that they can be paid by card or bank transfer. The same reason applies to the Captain’s Away Day Match.

Since April 22 any Prize Money that is won is added to a Member’s Levy Card instead of issuing Prize Vouchers that have an expiry date. I think we can all agree that this is a much better system.

Total prize monies issued this year is £7,451 of which a total of £1,613 has been issued in prize vouchers and with the value of the outstanding value of vouchers brought forward from last year of £2,883 most of the vouchers on our system have been redeemed with only £348 still outstanding, these will expire at the beginning of April 2023.

A total income of £19,536.20 has been recorded with expenditure of £22,359.11 this gives an overspend for the year of £2,822.91. The committee has in the past made a resolution to reduce the ongoing balance by increasing prize monies and to use surplus for the benefit of members. The balance of £5,722.67 was brought forward for 2021/22 and this leaves the sections balance carried forward to 2023 of £2,899.76. The reconciliation page shows the current bank account totals at 31.12.22 with any credits and debits outstanding and how this reconciles with the balance carried forward and the vouchers account.

The Seniors’ section made a donation of £317.85 to the Main Club for their Charity Day and a cheque of £500 has been given to their Maggie’s Charity donation. A total of £460 has been spent by the Section on flower displays at the front of the clubhouse in Spring, Summer and Autumn.

If you have any questions I will be happy to answer them.
Christine West
Ramsdale Park Golf Club – Senior Section

6. Outgoing Captain’s report.

It has been an absolute pleasure to be the Seniors Captain for the past year and I am so grateful for all the support and encouragement that I have received from all of you.

The Inter-Club matches were very well subscribed and I did my best to ensure that all members had an opportunity to participate. Given that these are just friendly matches, it was important that we always made the visiting clubs feel welcome, which is something you all did very well.

I will always remember with great pride and affection My Captain’s Away Day at Stanton-On-The-Wolds. It was well supported, with 60 participants, The course was in excellent condition and, although challenging in its own way, it was perfectly suitable for us as Seniors. The weather was good … something that is always a worry with these sorts of events. The staff looked after us very well.

As Captain it was my duty to preside over several special events and presentations.

One of those events was the 10th Annual Par 3 Charity Challenge (an inter-section event) which the Seniors had never previously won. I put together a very strong, highly motivated team … we were going to give it our best shot. On the day, about an hour after the start, the heavens opened and the course was totally flooded within minutes. Sadly, the competition had to be abandoned. We will just have to try again this year.

The special event that probably gave me the most honour was the 10th annual John O’Neill’s Greensome event. It was such a privilege to play a key role in this event in the year of John’s 90th birthday. We shall look forward to many more years of this event.

None of these events and matches would have possible without all the help and support that has been given by so many people.

So I say a big thank you to all of you, to Theresa and her staff, to my colleagues on the Committee and to Terry Crofts in his Vice Captain’s role which now comes an end and it therefore gives me great pleasure to inaugurate Terry Crofts into his new role, and to welcome him as Seniors Captain for 2023.

7. Incoming Captains report.

Firstly, I’d just like to say, it’s an honour and a privilege to be taking on the role as Ramsdale Seniors 2023 Captain.

I’d like to thank Richard for his generosity with his time and patience, helping to sort of prepare me for this role.

I’m sure you would all like to join me in thanking Richard, for his leadership as captain, his commitment, professionalism, and attention to detail he has shown throughout a successful captain’s year. I’m not sure how I follow that!

As some of you will know. New for last year, our award-winning General manager Theresa awarded the seniors captain a car parking space, keeping us in line with the other section captains, I’m sure Richard has enjoyed using it but if you would not mind moving your car from my parking space, before Bulwell clampers arrive.

Quite a few of you have known me for several years … but for the benefit of those who know me less well I’m a local lad born in Bestwood.

I went to Padstow secondary school in Bestwood – locally known as the prison on the hill. A few of you may know it. As a child at school, I was told I had boundless energy and couldn’t sit still for 2 minutes. (I still cannot lol) I think because of that I played pretty much every sport going, representing many clubs in competitions from Karate, Judo, football to badminton. Some people say I’m a little competitive…

I’m Married and have 6 children (2 sets of twins) & 10 grandchildren .. so far… so its always an expensive xmas. Social wise I like a good night out with family and friends and have been known to have the odd pint of Guinness. Workwise I served an apprenticeship, in Electro mechanical engineering and studied Industrial electronics and robotics in the early. At 23 with a bit of help, I managed to start my own business in office machine repairs. Successfully ran that business for 35 years. Always looking for an opportunity and wanting to include my family in business with me, I started several other businesses, Including a student bar and a shop at Nottingham University.

At aged 52 having had a little health scare working many 7-day weeks, I was advised to slow down and change my work & life style, that’s when Golf entered my life. Golf was one of the few sports I had not played before, and found it a good challenge.

I spent my first year just playing the par3 course. Then was introduced to our Monday club, getting to know other members. As I gradually improved, I proudly represented the main club, Seniors and par3 club in various events and club matches.

I joined the Par3 club committee some 4 years ago and was invited to join the seniors committee 18 months ago. Having only played a small part so far on the seniors committee. I have watched with admiration. The dedication and hard work our committee employ, in not only helping our senior section, but Ramsdale park golf club. This is in no small part down to the hard work of our past captains, something I will endeavor to continue to do.

The Seniors Section are still making positive strides to encourage integration and collaboration within all sections of the club. to further build on its association with the lady’s section.

It’s my hope that new members feel warmly welcomed and supported.

The Seniors Section is as ever, well supported by its membership and has a full calendar of events competitions and matches for all of us to look forward to this year.

All of the matches and events are published on the senior’s website.

I was told that there’s a rumour going around that I’d cancelled all club matches, and replaced these with a weekly pub crawl, I’m sorry to say that this isn’t the case. All the normal program of club matches will be going ahead, with the exception of our match against Ruddington, the committee have worked hard and replaced this fixture with Oakmere golf club.

Richard was well supported for all club matches last year; I’m hoping for the same support this year. At last count we’ve had over 30 players registered to play, so thank you for that. Players are required to wear your Senior team shirt. Available from the pro shop at a discounted price for Senior’s members playing in club matches. For the benefit of any new players wanting to play. The aim with club matches are for players of all abilities, to have friendly competitive matches against likeminded players hopefully enjoying it, whatever the result! but a wins always good!! I will be looking to pick teams at least 3 weeks in advance. I will then ask those selected to confirm their availability at least 2 weeks in advance. (Just the same as it was last year.). Players to be additionally informed via a dedicated seniors match WhatsApp group specifically for this year’s fixtures. Be patient with me regards playing in matches. I will do best to make sure you all get to play in a few of the matches, you have registered for.

Its looking like by the time we get to our 3rd match, most of you should have had the opportunity to play in at least 1 game. The difficulty being, some clubs can only field a team of 12 players.

I’m looking forward to my senior Captains away day. which will be held on THURSDAY 13th JULY at: KIRBY MUXLOE GOLF CLUB IN LEICESTERSHIRE its approx. 50 mins drive. Details to follow on the Seniors website.

Finally, it gives me great pleasure to announce that the Seniors Vice Captain for this year will be David Hawkins. Although I have not known David a long time, I know that he has a lot of experience in organising and running sporting teams and events. David will undoubtedly put a lot of enthusiasm and effort into his role, and I look forward to work alongside him

8. Appointment of committee members for 2023.

  1. David Hawkins was appointed as seniors vice-captain.
  2. Re-elected members are David Costin, David Dandie, Stuart Murry, Malcolm Voce, Richard Hone, Terry Crofts, Christine West.
  3. Mark Fisher and David Insley were elected onto the committee.

9. Consideration of proposals for changes.

It was proposed by David Costin seconded by David Dandie that the 2’s prize money within the Monday Club be moved from a cash payout to the cashless system, this would alleviate the need for a substantial amount of cash being carried by the Monday Club organisers. This proposal was agreed and all future 2’s payments would be made to the winners via the levy card.

10. Any other business.

There was no other business.

11. Date of next AGM Monday 19th February 2024