Minutes AGM 2017
Ramsdale Park Golf Club – Seniors Section
Minutes of the
Wednesday 15th February 2017 at 7-30 pm
Present: D. Dandie, K. Hepworth, D. Costin, M. Jefferies, B. Bailey, Paul Jefferson, P. Rankin, D. Wood, S. Murry, M. Woodhead, I. Saunders, D. Barber, W. Elliot, P. McDonough, G. Reynolds, J. Chadwick, M. Northern, D. Harkin, R. Hone, S. Norton
Apologies for Absence: T. Middleton.
Welcomes: The Chairman welcomed: D. Harkin (Club President) and M. Northern (Club Chairman).
- Minutes of the last AGM
The meeting approved the minutes of the February 2016 AGM which had been displayed and circulated. Proposed by P. Rankin and seconded by R. Hone.
- Matters Arising:
No matters arising.
Senior Captains Report
The outgoing Captain D. Dandie reflected on his year of office, the main points highlighted below:
Several highlights of David’s year will be remembered, not least my wife and daughter giving out brandy and mince pies at the Turkey Trot.
I thoroughly enjoyed my Captain’s Away day at Horsley Lodge which was very well attended, and was pleased to welcome the Centre manager to the day. There was a surplus over costs that enabled me to donate £150 to the Club charity, ‘Notts and Lincs Air Ambulance.
One privilege of being Seniors captain is to represent the Section in club matches. Thank you everyone who played in those matches.
My thanks to Steve Norton the Centre Manager. It has been a pleasure to walk into the Club House and be greeted by my name.
I have enjoyed the company of Ian Saunders and Helen Hammond in the inter club matches.
My other thanks must go to my wife who has supported me throughout my Captains’ year.
I wish all the best to Dave Gritton, and Gill Reynolds as they take up their posts as Captains for the coming year.
Finally, I would like to thank Phil Rankin who is stepping down from the Committee for all his support.
- Centre Managers Report – Main Points
Steve Norton the Centre Manager gave a detailed report on the developments that are taking place within the Club, and the challenges of the coming year.
The management recognises the importance of being attentive to members wants and suggestions for improvements both on the golf course and within the club house. Where possible and within the budgetary constraints we aim to respond appropriately.
All golf clubs face great challenges in attracting new members. The introduction flexible membership has we feel helped to maintain Ramsdales’ thriving membership.
It is important to emphasise that non golfing events and activities taking place at Ramsdale, provide financial support that benefits members.
Throughout the year there have been huge improvements on the course at significant cost. In particular the rebuild of a number of bunkers and improvements to paths throughout the course.
Because of very difficult weather conditions, the past months have been particularly difficult for the greenkeeping staff who have strived to maintain the course in a good playing condition.
From the floor, a number of questions were asked: –
Stuart Murry asked if a CTV camera could be sited to cover the entrance to the club house. This would ensure the safety of golfing equipment from possible theft. Steve would look into this, but stressed that the present CTV distribution compliments security across the site.
Mark Northern the Club Chairman suggested that the members club could look at financing this project.
A number expressed some concern that events that take place at the weekend, in particular weddings are very disruptive. When completing their round of golf, space is at a premium. It was suggested that some restrictions are placed upon visitors, in particular children who appear unruly.
Steve stated that we have to think carefully before placing restrictions on visiting parties. This could be counter productive, and as stated earlier, these events provide important revenues to the club that benefits all members.
- Treasurers Report and Accounts for the year 2016 (See pages below for the full report)
The Treasurer presented his report on the accounts for the year ending 31st October 2016, copies of which had been made available to members prior to the meeting. Highlights from the Treasurer’s report: –
Monday Club income is only marginally down on the previous year wheras income from the monthly Aggregate Stableford increased by £63. Income from the monthly Stableford was only £167, this competition will, in 2017 be played as part of the Monday Club. Income from other competitions showed little difference from 2015. Income from the inter club matches showed a surplus of £151.
It is recognised by the Committee that the funds surplus appears too high for a non profit organisation. There is some benefit to the section in that we can undertake the full range of competitions, and introduce new ones without the worry of financing these, and all other activities.
The Section made a loss of £384 and it is projected that a further loss will be made in 2017, however. The financial positon of the Seniors section remains secure.
- Appointment of Officers for the year 2016
Seniors Captain
David Dandie presented Keith Hepworth with the Captains Jacket for 2017 and wished him well for the coming year. Keith took the chair for the rest of the meeting.
Seniors Vice Captain
No nominations were received for the post of Vice Captain.
- Election of the Seniors Committee
There were no nominations for the Committee. The Captain reminded the meeting that the Committee were now 3 members short, and no one as offered to become vice captain. This situation threatens the viability of the Seniors section.
Financial changes
The treasurer informed the meeting of financial management: –
Authorised signatories
Authorised signatories will remain as last year; treasurer, secretary and the addition of the new Captain Keith Hepworth.
Senior Section’s bank
To continue with the services of the Nat West Bank.
Audit of accounts
John Adams has agreed to continue to monitor the section’s finances.
- To consider annual fees and charges
In line with the discussions that have taken place within the Seniors Committee, the Treasurer reported: –
- No increase in competition charges, the fee to remain at £3 for 2016.
- The match fee charge for home matches to be negotiated, and for away matches to be the actual cost of the meal.12. Proposals for changes in the Section’s rules and procedures 13. Incoming captain’s report on plans and proposals
- The Captain’s Away Day this year will be at Keddleston Hall. Details to be finalised.
- Congratulations were given to the Centre Manager for his excellent report and all the work carried out by he and his staff.
- Keith announced that throughout 2017 he is looking forward to working with both the Main Club captain and the Ladies Captain.
Any Other Business
- D. Costin announced that the Seniors will be introducing an ‘Order of Merit’ competition. This will run throughout the golfing season, there will be no entry fee and prize vouchers will be awarded to the top 3 finishers.
Stuart Murry suggested a competition for the most successful player in the Inter-Club matches. Stuart will meet with D. Costin to discuss the practicalities of introducing this competition.
D. Costin announced that starting with the Summer Singles Knockout, Handicap Master will be used to process and monitor all knockout competitions.
There being no other business, the meeting closed at 9-30pm. The next AGM will take place in February 2018, date to be confirmed.
Ramsdale Park Golf Club (Seniors Section)
Treasurers Report on the accounts for the year ending 31st October 2016
A copy of the accounts for the year ending 31st October 2016 is attached herewith. The accounts have been examined by John Adams who has indicated that he finds them a true and accurate record. I thank John for undertaking this task.
Overall the accounts show a deficit of £108.44. This compares with a deficit of £680.70 in 2015 and a small profit of £170.67 the year before. The approved budget for this year however was for a much larger deficit in order to reduce the size of the senior section’s bank balance. While the club is in a very healthy financial position the committee feels that it is unnecessary to maintain such large sums in the bank. The reasons for the smaller than expected deficit will be explained later.
At the beginning of this year the bonus saver account was closed and all monies were transferred to the senior’s main bank account. The reason for this being that the saver account was not viable in terms of generating additional income for the club. You may notice that the interest accrued on the account was only 42 pence.
Income and expenditure in more detail
Monday club income is only marginally down from 2015 whereas income from the monthly Stableford competition was up by £63 during the same period. Income from other sources such as the Summer Singles, Eclectic and the Gross/Nett competitions showed very little difference compared to 2015 and were largely in line with budget expectations. This year the Medal competition was played outside of the Monday club and the income was only £167.00. I feel that this reflects the unpopularity of this competition being played on another day.
Another area worthy of comment is the Matches account. In 2014, there was a surplus of £150.50. In 2015 this transformed into a deficit of £77.50 and in the approved budget for 2016 a similar deficit was anticipated. You will see from the accounts as presented this did not transpire. Sponsorship money remained constant; I would like to thank everybody who so generously sponsored the matches. Income from the raffle was down by £90.00. However, money that is known as the Match Levy was considerably more than expected, largely generated by charging a standard £13.00 per meal, both home and away; whereas the actual cost of the meal was in many instances usually less than this. The amount of money this generated was £584.50 and this I feel is the main reason why the deficit was not as high as predicted. It is however worthy of note that we do not get courtesy of the course for any of our matches and we are require to pay the visitor’s green fees, albeit at a much reduced rate of £8.75, and therefore money from all three sources is very welcome to cover this cost. Visitor green fees for the year 2015/16 were £1,699.50 which was an increase of £335.00 on the previous year.
Whilst it is noted that the funds surplus is too high for a non-profit organisation it is pleasing also to note that the club is able to undertake a full range of competitions without having to worry about money and who among us does not like having money in the bank and the freedom this allows us to make financial decisions. However, next year the Captain, and whoever takes the treasurers role, will need to pay much closer attention to areas of the budget that generate larger sums of money than is required – the match levy being a case in point.
Less has been spent on trophies and prize vouchers than in previous years, but at the end of the financial year there were still some trophies and prizes still to be accounted for. Money for meals and refreshments was largely as in 2015. The cost to the Seniors section of the Captain’s social and presentation evening was £179.00 more than last year, this being in large part due to the fact that four bottles of wine were provided for each table although much of it was not consumed on the night. No refund was offered as the bottles had been opened. For future reference bottles should be opened as needed to save monies and wine!
Members will also note the Seniors continued support for the Senior Captains away day as well as our contribution to the main club (£250.00) and the support given to the club’s charity day and to the ladies charity.
I make no apology for the fact that I dislike the present system of giving vouchers as prizes. I wish there was a better way. For instance could Burhill introduce a smart card system whereby money could be paid directly onto members cards which would then eliminate the need for vouchers.
For Monday club, Stableford and Medal competitions vouchers now have a shelf life of six months from the date of issue. Vouchers issued as prizes will expire after twelve months. At least now the treasurer will know that at any one time no voucher older than six months will be active within the system. As at the end of the year there were vouchers to the value of £483.00 in member’s possession.
As noted earlier the Seniors section made a loss on the year of £108.44. The bank balance fell by £383.56 and in line with the budget projection for 2017 this figure will fall again in 2017. Nonetheless, the accounts show that the Seniors’ position remains very strong; with careful, prudent management and good budgetary control this should continue to offer financial stability for years to come.
The Seniors committee, as referred to earlier, has prepared a detailed draft budget for the year ahead and, arising from that exercise, will be able to put forward any necessary recommendation later on in the AGM Agenda.
It remains simply for me to express my thanks to everyone who is involved in making the Senior’s section run smoothly and make my life as easy and as stress free as it can be. Being responsible for the clubs finances is not a job I take lightly because I am always concerned to get it right.
Members are asked to approve these accounts for the year ending 31st October 2016.
Mike Jefferies (Hon. Treasurer)