Annual General Meeting

20th February 2023

Starting at 12:30 pm


 Apologies for absence.

  1. To approve the minutes:- 14th February 2022
  2. Matters arising from the minutes.
  3. Centre Manager’s Report.
  4. Treasurers Report
    • Audited Accounts for 2022
    • Appointment of Sections Bank, Auditor and designation of Cheque signatories.
    • Consideration of annual fees and charges following reports and recommendations from the Seniors Committee.
  5. Outgoing Captains Report on his year in office.
  6. Handover to Incoming Captain for 2023
    • Captain (Terry Crofts) takes the chair from outgoing Captain.
    • Plans and proposals for the forthcoming year.
    • Vice Captain – (In accordance with Rule 3(c) 5).
  7. Election of Committee Members
  8. Consideration of any submitted proposals for changes to the Section’s Rules and Procedures.
  9. Any other business.

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