Captain’s Information Board

New 12 July 2024 – Captain’s Away Day

A very rewarding and enjoyable day in so many ways! Great company, friendly banter, adequate weather, lovely clubhouse, superb staff, good food and drink and a wonderfully challenging picturesque golf course, set up at it’s most difficult for the weekend Championships! Thanks to my superb team for help, advice and support in organizing this great annual event! Thanks to all the sponsors and prize givers and all who attended! Congratulations to the winners”!  DH

May – Captain’s Comments

It has been a busy month with 6 matches played, including a first fixture against Ormonde Fields away. We were well received and look forward to many more matches against them. I think I have been forgiven for doing a ‘runner’ and leaving without paying for the meals!
Although we have yet to win more than one match, team-spirit has been excellent and the standard of golf generally outstanding with some very close fought games. We have celebrated a variety of ‘special shots’ varying from thunderous drives to short knee trembling putts.
Thank you to the players for your continued support and apologies if you have been disappointed in missing out on particular games. We have 12 matches remaining (+ a special players event) so there will be plenty more opportunities.

Putting Competition
The Competition is gaining momentum with Richard Hone taking a well-deserved lead after the second round. However, there are only 3 shots separating the top 7 places, so very early days yet. Special mention to Neil Harris who tops the Eclectic Leaderboard with 14 single putts. This was brought about by a run of 11 singles in the last round. Outstanding!
Now the greens are settling down green reading is going to play an even greater part in the outcome so good luck to everyone!
The second Workshop was cancelled due to lack of interest.

Captain’s Away Day
Thanks to everyone who signed up for this special day at Market Rasen Golf Club!
There are now only 5 places still available, so don’t miss the chance of playing on this Championship course at last year’s price!
Thanks for your continued support, advice and friendship!

Cheers! David

April – Captain’s Comments

The start to the competitive season has been less than satisfactory with a number of unforeseen circumstances! We’ve still got 16 matches to find teams for and I have been able to persuade both Chilwell and Oakmere to field teams of 16.
I would reiterate my commitment to doing the ‘best job’ for everyone and look forward to some overdue success in the matches to come and celebrating more ‘Shots of the Day’

PS, when clubs DO NOT provide bacon butties on arrival, it will be indicated on your emails in LARGE PRINT!).

Putting Competition
Well done to those who struggled round the first Medal Comp and kept a steady club on the greens. Special mention must go to Brian Bailey who’s shown he’s ‘still got it’ after a long lay off with injury, topping the Leader and Eclectic boards, sharing the lead with 30 putts! Sharing second spot of course, none other than the redoubtable Garth Hallam!  To those who ‘missed out’ it’s the best 4 from 6 so plenty of time to catch up! To enter the Putting Competition and/or the Putting Workshops –  Click Here

Well done also to the short game specialists perfecting the art of “Fringe Golf”!

Putting Workshop

The first Workshop with Matt Buckley was excellent with 10 attendees. There are possibly 2 more that can be arranged with Will and Jack giving you two different perspectives on this ‘art’. It would be a shame not to use this brilliant source of knowledge, all for a ‘fiver a go’!

Captain’s Away Day
Thanks to everyone who signed up for this special day at Market Rasen Golf Club.  There are still 11 places available, so don’t miss out on the chance of playing in this event.  To enter the Captain’s Away Day – Click Here

17 April 2024  – Inter Club Match
Bulwell Forest

Once again ‘mudless’ conditions with firm, goodish greens meant for some consistent golf. It was great to welcome David Jack and Paul Strudwick to the team for the first time and special mention must go to Dave Clark for agreeing to play for Bulwell and then to be moved into the team (to cover a late drop out), also to Alfredo Daseco ‘Dax’ also agreeing to play for Bulwell.

Unfortunately, after a brilliant first tee shot the Captain, failed to lead the way, even though well supported by a battling Mr Strudwick, we were given a master class in simple’ down the middle golf’ by Veteran Dennis Fleet who was equally good close to the flag, meaning our efforts to win the match ended prematurely!

The next 6 matches were all close with Winston and Garth missing out on the 18th green with the last putt, but still no wins!

Our single win was provided by Dave Clark and Kelvin Day who secured a great result also on the last green. Ironically Kelvin played for Bulwell last year. Perhaps there is a future selection strategy here?

Shot of the day – Malc’s 153 yard, 7 iron to within 2 inches of the pin on the 13th! They made him finish it!!!It was great to field a team of 16 and hope we can redress the balance (after this 162-126 points defeat) when Bulwell come to us in September.

Thanks to all players, Cheers – David

Next Match Mapperley – Away Friday 3rd May

11 April 2024 – Inter Club Matches – Report

We played College Pines away last Monday, and we enjoyed the best golfing conditions in months with dry fairways and fast and fairly even greens.
Pin positions were challenging and a number of the home players performed extremely well, taking advantage of their preferred Stableford scoring

However full credit to the Ramsdale team for battling hard right to the 18th green, especially Dave Insley who closed out his match partnering Malc Voce, securing a draw with the last putt of the round!

Special mention also to Paul Felstead and John Lowton for achieving our only victory. Also to Kevin Till for ably supporting an erratic

Next Match
Bulwell Forest Away – Wednesday 17th April

11 April 2024 Inter-Club matches  Selection Challenge

One of the more challenging duties of the Seniors Captain is the selection of players and pairings for the 2024 season of friendly matches home and away.

We are very fortunate to have not only a good selection of clubs to play against, but also a large pool of registered players to call upon. Selecting twenty teams requires a fair and equitable process.
So that you can better understand my team selections I would like to share with you the main criteria I will adopt, with a view to winning as many matches as possible whilst also giving everyone a memorable 2024 season of competitive and enjoyable matches

Player availability
A mix and balance of high and low handicaps.
Previous historic and successful pairings.
As the season unfolds, consideration of performance and current form.
Playing against the same opposition home and away.
A fair spread of games per player over the season where possible.
Playing in at least one of the first three matches registered for.
Filling a place on short notice, deserving selection for next match.
Overall record of supporting team matches and players